Stay tuned for a glimpse of our newly renovated Hopkins Hall, home to Agnes Scott's PA program. Intentional student space and cutting-edge technology and instructional facilities will be built to match Agnes Scott's timeless design.
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正规博彩十大网站排名学院 now offers a 24-month 医学硕士 in 医师助理研究, 基于我们几十年来在医学预科教育方面的成功经验. 如果你对医学有热情, 致力于为不同的社区服务, 我们的医师助理研究项目非常适合你.
正规博彩十大网站排名医学硕士(MMSc)项目, students seeking certification and licensure as a physician assistant (PA) will learn to practice in all areas of medicine and gain expertise in community-based healthcare.
Our Physician Assistant program meets the urgent, growing need for healthcare professionals. 在亚特兰大市区,对私人助理的需求预计将增长34%.2% by 2033. The Kaiser Family Foundation identified Georgia as a Primary Care Health Professional Shortage Area, 注意到国家只满足了40%的医疗保健需求. Agnes Scott seeks to address this need for qualified healthcare professionals through our rigorous, 24个月的医师助理研究(PA)计划.
艾格尼丝·斯科特的私人助理课程将专门设在霍普金斯大厅, 正在翻新以满足PA项目的需要. The building will include innovative technology and instructional facilities for the practice of medicine, 包括解剖台, 临床检查套件, 教学实验室, 最先进的教室. Students will also benefit from a third-floor student lounge and study spaces.
“艾格尼丝·斯科特的使命和价值观使学生能够深入思考, 创新, 促进包容性. 这些价值观是医师助理职业的核心. Today, PAs provide compassionate and culturally competent medical care to all patients.” -Dr. LeAnne Martinelli,项目总监
正规博彩十大网站排名学院 has applied for 认证 - Provisional from the 认证 Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA). 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 PA Program anticipates matriculating its first class in October 2025, pending achieving 认证 - Provisional status at the June 2025 ARC-PA meeting. 认证 - Provisional is an accreditation status granted when the plans and resource allocation, 如果完全按照计划执行, of a proposed program that has not yet enrolled students appear to demonstrate the program’s ability to meet the ARC-PA Standards or when a program holding accreditation- provisional status appears to demonstrate continued progress in complying with the Standards as it prepares for the graduation of the first class (cohort) of students.
Our program’s purpose-driven curriculum will prepare you to practice evidence-based medicine, 服务于不同的患者群体, 并担任有助于促进包容性医疗保健的领导角色.
学生将在连续24个月内完成102个研究生学分, with the first year of on-campus learning followed by a year of supervised clinical practice experiences in all major areas of medicine: 社区卫生, 急诊医学, 普通外科, 妇女的健康, 行为医学, 和儿科, 等.
项目完成后, students will be prepared to take the Physician Assistant National Certifying Examination (PANCE) and, 经认证和许可, 可以开始在所有医学学科中作为私人助理执业吗.
The mission of 正规博彩十大网站排名学院’s 医师助理研究 program cultivates compassionate, critical-thinking physician assistants (PAs) to practice evidence-based medicine, 服务不同的社区, and assume leadership roles that help promote culturally sensitive healthcare.
Our PA program is intentional and strategic about creating an inclusive environment that produces healthcare providers who are committed to providing high-quality patient care and making a lasting impact through a deep commitment to 社区卫生.
我们知道你乐于助人. 此刻 享未来? 今天就开始计划!
Acceptance into Agnes Scott’s PA program is highly competitive – we accept 40 highly-qualified students per cohort. Applicants will be considered for acceptance upon completion of all requirements, 经CASPA验证:
Start your career earlier: complete your Physician Assistant program coursework in just 24 months at Agnes Scott. 大多数私人助理课程需要27个月或更长时间.
艾格尼丝·斯科特, we’ve designed our Physician Assistant program to provide the outstanding education and hands-on experience you’ll need to begin your healthcare career in just two years.
作为一名研究生, you will complete clinical rotations that will prepare you to practice 急诊医学, 妇女的健康, 普通外科, 儿科, 行为医学, 社区卫生, 和更多的.
在你完成课程之后, you will take the national examination for certification as a physician assistant.
Stay tuned for a glimpse of our newly renovated Hopkins Hall, home to Agnes Scott's PA program. Intentional student space and cutting-edge technology and instructional facilities will be built to match Agnes Scott's timeless design.
The BLS projects that employment of physician assistants in Atlanta is projected to grow 34.到2033年2%.
根据劳工统计局(BLS)的数据, healthcare 职业生涯 are expected to grow much faster than average for all occupations through 2033. 在亚特兰大, the labor demand for physician assistants is expected to grow at a faster rate than the national average.
Our PA program will provide a successful pathway for a diverse population of students to achieve their goal of becoming healthcare practitioners, while also addressing this growing national health care shortage and health disparities across the state of Georgia.