本网站使用cookies.  在我们的 隐私政策.



You’re invited to become the person of your dreams.

Getting accepted into college is exciting, but we 知道 it can also be anxiety-inducing. Deciding where you want to spend the next four years academically and socially can be a difficult task. It's all about figuring out what college will be 你的地方和你的社区 同时也决定 你想成为什么样的人 在未来.

Now that you're admitted to 正规博彩十大网站排名学院, our job is to help you 把你自己看作一个斯科特. 没有地方比得上家...尤其是那个家是艾格尼丝·斯科特.

Congratulations on your admission to 正规博彩十大网站排名学院!



来自堪萨斯州莱文沃思的Gor' nese '25

“一开始, I wasn't sure I was comfortable with an inclusive women's college or how far away from my home th在艾格尼丝·斯科特 was located. When I toured campus, I was able to truly see the community. Everyone seemed so comfortable and they were being exactly who they are. 在那之后,我知道这是适合我的地方."


Due to the FAFSA delays and the financial aid process being pushed back, the enrollment deposit deadline for new students beginning in Fall 2024 has been extended to 5月15日.



How do you go from applying to colleges to making decisions about where to enroll? 你的下一步计划是什么? 我们支持你!

我们把它分解成 五个 步骤. 五张不算太坏,对吧? 从现在起 2024年5月15日, your plan for making your decision to become a Scottie is:

  1. 拜访艾格尼丝·斯科特 (第一次或第二次)
  2. 制定财务计划 (包括 提交FAFSA)
  3. 认识你未来的社区 (that's other admitted Scotties and the current Agnes Scott community)
  4. 回答你所有的问题
  5. 正式注册成为苏格兰人

主庭院 & 秋天的巴特里克庄园.


Students receive their black onyx rings during their Sophomore Ring Ceremony each year.


学生们在化学教室里. 艾格尼丝·斯科特的师生比例是11:1.


All first-year students take a Global Journey during spring of their first year, 比如这条去秘鲁的航线.


Agnes Scott centers the residential experience; you'll get to 知道 your classmates in the residence halls.


Flowers line the path to campus next to Presser Hall.


Agnes Scott has six Division III competitive sports: basketball, 越野, 足球, 垒球, 网球 & 排球.


Students are able to show of their talents and enjoy entertainment and fun at annual events like Agnespalooza.


A senior student receives their cap and gown during senior investiture, beginning their senior year.


1. 拜访艾格尼丝·斯科特(第一次或第二次)

If you haven’t already, or even if you have, make sure that you 参观校园! We have numerous options for whatever would help you get your questions answered best, including virtual opportunities for those for whom traveling to Atlanta won’t work right now. 我们也有三个不同的 斯科特·戴承认 opportunities as special events just for admitted students.



2. 制定你的财务计划(包括 提交FAFSA)

100% of Scotties receive some form of need-based financial aid. 2024年, U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 给我们命名为 top performer among national liberal arts colleges for Social Mobility, which means we are committed to making sure you get from point A to point B, 不管你的经济状况如何. 了解你的 申请援助的资格 在艾格尼丝·斯科特.

此外, 完成你的FAFSA (一旦在12月开放)!) to be considered for federal student aid using Agnes Scott's school code 001542. We recommend 提交FAFSA as soon as you can after it opens; however, 我们优先申请的截止日期是 2月1日.


更新: 因为FAFSA的拖延, we understand that students will not have the same amount of time to review their financial aid offers. 你可以在这里阅读更多关于航班延误的信息. In order to give students more time to start considering the total financial cost and make plans prior to enrollment, 我们已经启动了 财政援助估算员. 答复将在大约十天内发出.



3. 认识你未来的社区 (that's other admitted Scotties and the current Agnes Scott community)

Part of seeing campus is connecting with our community, 你也可以这样做. Starting in early January (or a few weeks after you receive your admission decisions), you’ll receive your special invitation via email to join the 2028届的不和谐 通道, where you can chat with other current and future Scotties and get to 知道 your future roommates, 同学和朋友们. 一定要检查你的电子邮件来找到它!

同时, 即将到来的Each year Agnes Scott 入学 hosts numerous virtual opportunities to meet 与你的 future classmates and faculty in addition to the 斯科特·戴承认 events. Keep an eye on the visit page for those opportunities.



4. 准备好所有的问题 回答

当你回想起你的大学经历时,我们 知道 that questions are constantly popping up for you. We want to make sure you 知道 everything you need to 知道 about life as a Scottie. 你是否需要下列资料: 学术项目? 实习和职业? 多样性、公平和社会正义? 校园位置? 我们如何排名? 居住生活? 餐厅? 学生组织? 健康与咨询? 一般学生经历? We want to make sure that we get you those answers!

While you can find a lot on our website and in other resources, 如果你有特别的问题需要回答, 我们想知道. 注册聊天 与你的 入学辅导员 to talk through any and all questions you may have!



5. 注册成为一名苏格兰人

If you’ve seen everything you need to see and 知道 everything you need to 知道 - all that remains is to 缴纳入学保证金 保住你在2028届的位置! You'll be all set to join your classmates when the semester begins and one step further along on your journey to becoming an effective change agent in a global society.







“我在正规博彩十大网站排名可以得到的资源, 在校内外, 都导致了, 除此之外, a position on Honor Court as the Class of 2022 representative and an internship that corresponds with my major. These accomplishments have broadened my horizons, 给了我更多的自信, 让我重新对自己的领导能力充满信心."





上传资料, 支付入学保证金, 检查你的状态, 与你的辅导员沟通!





被录取的学生 & 家庭

学生站在Scottie pride院子的牌子后面


Show your Scottie pride and show off your purple on social media by tagging @ASC入学 and #ASC28!

group of students petting support dogs on campus


Get familiar with life as a Scottie - on or off campus! 了解你的住房选择, find student-run organizations you might like to join and get familiar with the types of resources/support we offer our students.



在本科招生博客上, read blog posts with spotlights on academic programs, student perspectives on campus and tips and tricks on what comes next.
